like what you see & want to work together?! get in touch!!<3
Graphic Design & Digital Art
I specialise in lowfi, internet and pop culture inspired design - fun and play @ the heart ! I like to push what graphic design can be!
Instagram Filters
Filters can be so fun and playful !
'What are you?' filter
(Currently learning new Spark AR techniques so broader options soon!)
Illustrations and Doodles
My cute and doodle style with your vision. Can do custom illustrations / commissions for your brand, yourself or friends and family !! e.g. cards, personalised prints etc!
Video Editing
I am a confident video editor / prodcuer who has made playful lyric videos, music videos, performance art and motion graphics over the years.
Album / Podcast / Playlist Artwork
album / podcast /playlist artwork! Mixing your vision with my style to create your dream cover!
(KISHAN Elevated artwork 2019 by me)
Motion Graphics / GIFS
Simple , funny and cute motion graphics and gifs.
( Sick Love Zine's initial animated 2020 Logo for their digital zine )